5S is a concept for improving the environment developed at Toyota production sites as a part of Kaizen. It is also used in manufacturing and a variety of other occupations.
It is a coined term for the five Japanese words "Seiri", "Seiton", "Seiso", "Seiketsu", and "Shitsuke", which can be translated as "Sort" as "Seiri", "Set" as "Seiton", "Shine" as "Seiso", and "Standardize" as "Seiketsu".
We, one to ONE Group, call it "5S for Safety/Security/Health" in striving for the "Pursuit of 0 Accidents" as they are all essential aspects. We call it this way so that each and every one of our colleagues is constantly aware of this objective, leading to its implementation. Our 5S for Safety/Security/Health is the following:
- Sort (Seiri): Making sure that there is ONLY what you need.
- Set (Seiton): Making sure you have ONLY the things you need in the right quantities at the right time.
- Shine (Seiso): Making the state of Sort and Set to be always visible.
- Standardize (Seiketsu): Maintaining the state of Sort, Set, and Shine.
- Sustain (Shitsuke): Practicing/repeating/establishing Sort, Set, Shine, and Standardize, and turning them into a habit of individuals.