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CO2 intensity

CO2 intensity, a key metric in the fight against climate change, measures the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted per unit of another variable, such as energy produced, economic output, or a specific activity. It is a vital tool for evaluating the environmental impact of different processes and for monitoring the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.   

The indicator is a relative measure, which means it doesn't just tell the total amount of CO2 emissions but how efficiently something is being done in terms of carbon emissions. A lower CO2 intensity indicates a more carbon-efficient process or activity. Various and specific units are used to measure CO2 intensity. Common examples include "grams of CO2 per kilowatt-hour of electricity generated" or "tons of CO2 per million dollars of GDP".  


Source: IEA "CO2 emissions intensity of GDP, 1990-2021"

Historically, economic growth has often been coupled with rising CO2 emissions. The debate surrounding carbon intensity suggests fairness and responsibility issues of allocating responsibility for emissions reductions fairly. Should developed countries, with historically high emissions, bear a more significant burden than developing countries? Should emissions be allocated based on consumption or production? This issue has long been a debate on climate change. 

While carbon intensity provides valuable insights, it is not a standalone solution. The importance of absolute emissions reduction cannot be overstated, underscoring the need for a comprehensive approach to addressing climate change.