Perfecting imperfections with one to ONE

"The Pursuit of 0 Accidents" and 5S for Safety/Security/Health

In my last post, I mentioned our company's commitment to Safety/Security/Health. They are essential to conducting our business and delivering value to the world. Specifically, we define these objectives as follows:

Safety: A state of organization to keep the mind, soul, and body in sound consciousness.

Security: A state in which the subconscious mind feels that the soundness of the mind, soul, and body is maintained.

Health: A state of being able to work on maintaining and improving the soundness of the mind, soul, and body in daily life, including work.  

What we aim to achieve through Safety/Security/Health is "The Pursuit of 0 Accidents." From going to work to returning home, we expect each and every employee to take good care of themselves, show consideration for their colleagues, and realize the 5S practices by envisioning a safer, more secure, and healthier future with an authentic Safety 1st mindset, to be achieved by thinking of "The Pursuit of 0 Accidents" as the starting point for maximizing corporate value. 


Thus, we are implementing "5S for Safety/Security/Health for Safety/Security/Health" to achieve "The Pursuit of 0 Accidents."

"5S" is a system for improving the workplace environment developed by Toyota and other Japanese manufacturing companies. It is used in various industries and occupations. The five concepts of "Sort" (Seiri in Japanese), "Set" (Seiton), "Shine" (Seiso), "standardize" (Seiketsu), and "Sustain" (Shitsuke) are used to enhance the work environment. All are represented by the letter "S" in both Japanese and English. 

We further position them as "5S for Safety/Security/Health" in line with our operations and vision.

To explain, "Sort" is making sure that there is ONLY what you need; "Set" is making sure that the ONLY things you need are with the right amounts at the right time; "Shine" is making sure that the conditions of Sort and Set are always visible; "Standardize" is maintaining the state of Sort, Set, and Shine; "Sustain" is practicing/repeating/establishing Sort, Set, Shine, and standardize, and turning them into a habit of individuals.

We are therefore looking ahead to realizing the true conditions for  "Safety 1st" while foreseeing the future 50 years from now. In "The Pursuit of 0 Accidents", and in order to keep each and every employee aware of this goal, the phrase "Safety/Security" was initially placed in front of "5S", and the term was used to refer to "5S for Safety/Security." Later, when some employees frequently had to take leave due to lifestyle-related illnesses, we began to consider the self-management of health an essential prerequisite for "Safety/Security," so we added "Health". Thus, the term is defined as "5S for Safety/Security/Health."

We would like to share our experiences, thoughts, and ideas with you by regularly publishing blog posts.

Please join our never-ending journey of "Perfecting Imperfections" with innovations for manufacturing sites all around the world. 

Thank you for your continued support!!! ;-)

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