Perfecting imperfections with one to ONE

Set: "5S" for Safety/Security/Health

Again, our definition of "5S for Safety/Security/Health" is as follows:
Sort: Making sure that there is ONLY what you need
Set: Making sure you have ONLY the things you need in the right quantities at the right time
Shine: Making sure that the conditions of Sort and Set are always visible
Standardize: Maintaining the states of Sort, Set, and Shine
Sustain: Practicing/repeating/establishing "Sort, Set, Shine, and Standardize", and turning them into habits practiced by individuals.

In the previous post, I explained the "5S for Safety/Security/Health" that we have been working on for many years as the core of our "Pursuit of 0 accidents" with a focus on "Sort." In this post, I would like to discuss the second of the 5S, "Set."

See also Sort: "5S" for Safety/Security/Health

By undauntedly "Sorting" and realizing a "state where only the necessary things are present," we can create an environment and preparedness that allows us to enhance Safety/Security/Health in a tangible way.

Next, in order to work safely, securely, healthily, and efficiently on site, it is imperative to realize a state where "the necessary items appear when they are needed, in the necessary quantities." In other words, we must create an environment where work can be carried out smoothly.

Accidents, including occupational injuries, are more likely to occur when people are either "unfocused" or "over-focused." Ensuring that "the necessary things come out at the necessary time in the necessary quantity" is a critical factor that significantly impacts accident prevention. For example, when a worker concentrates on their work under moderate tension, and if the necessary tools are not at hand, their concentration will naturally break down, and efficiency will drop. According to one theory, recovering can take as long as 23 minutes. 

A further adverse effect of concentration lapses is that the worker may become impatient with the loss of efficiency and try to regain it, which may result in unsafe behavior.


We are developing a safety confirmation system that uses applications and voice to interrupt such unconsciousness. We call this system the "Safety Job Ticket."

We have also been working on a system to pass on skills and know-how, a core issue for our group companies in overcoming issues relating to the falling birthrate and aging population. We are considering using this system to enhance our "Pursuit of 0 Accidents."

To briefly explain, the system divides the procedures and standards of specific tasks at the manufacturing site into smaller tasks, distributes them to individual workers according to the progress of production, and enables the progress of each task to be monitored as a whole. We call the system "Smart Factory Solution (SFS)." This allows the distribution of what is necessary for individual workers in an organized manner, so that these items are available in the required quantities and at the proper times in terms of safety and work efficiency. In other words, we are practicing "Set."

The SFS is still under development as of November 2024, and I look forward to introducing it in more detail once it is completed.

We would like to share our experiences, thoughts, and ideas with you by regularly publishing blog posts.

Please join our never-ending journey of "Perfecting Imperfections" with innovations for manufacturing sites all around the world. 

Thank you for your continued support!!! ;-)

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