
Shine: "5S" for Safety/Security/Health

Written by one to ONE Holdings | 2024/11/26

To repeat, our definitions of the "5S for safety/security/health" are as follows:
Sort: Making sure that there is ONLY what you need
Set: Making sure you have ONLY the things you need in the right quantities at the right time
Shine: Making sure that the conditions of Sort and Set are always visible
Standardize: Maintaining the states of Sort, Set, and Shine
Sustain: Practicing/repeating/establishing "Sort, Set, Shine, and Standardize", and turning them into habits practiced by individuals.

Following the first of the 5S, "Sort," and the second, "Set," I would like to share with you my thoughts on " Shine" and our company's efforts in this area in detail.

By intrepidly "Sorting" and realizing a state where we have only the things we need, we can achieve the environment and preparations required to effectively carry out our work with enhanced safety, peace of mind, and health.

Furthermore, by realizing the conditions of "Set" (making sure that ONLY the things we need are within the right amounts), we can eliminate misunderstood expectations and avoid oversight and duplication, while reducing "overburden" (Muri), "waste" (Mura), and "fluctuation" (Muda).

What is important here, however, is determining how to maintain a state of "having ONLY what you need" and "getting what you need when you need it" while ensuring the safety, security, and health of each person, amidst the rapidly changing conditions of daily operations. The question is, "How can we continue to do this?"

To achieve this goal, it is essential to "Shine: Make it visible that the necessary goods and things are organized and in order."

A manufacturing site is where workers use machinery/equipment to produce a product. The site where we manufacture our steel pipes has oil, etc., to keep the machines running smoothly and the product flowing smoothly through the molding machines. When processing metal, filings are also generated.

If the necessary materials for production or the tools for the work cannot be found immediately or made easily accessible, workers will be in a hurry or impatient, which can easily lead to unsafe behavior.

In the 5S steps, "Shine" is often taken to mean "cleaning" or "cleanliness," from the original Japanese word. I believe that the effort to visualize the state of a sound mind, body, and soul is also part of the meaning of "Shine."

For example, it is extremely important for the safety of each individual to know the soundness of the heads, hearts, and bodies of their fellow workers by getting themselves to move their bodies thoroughly during pre-operational exercises.

In Japan, our country of origin, the birth rate is declining, and the population is aging. To maximize sales in an ever-shrinking market, manufacturers in all fields are required to deliver a wide variety of products in small quantities with short delivery times.

To continue pursuing "0 accidents" while quickly and accurately responding to "constantly evolving purposes" without overburden, waste, or fluctuation, it is helpful to have a "sense of wholeness" to perceive what is happening throughout the entire operation, combined with "self-management" to know precisely what one should do and how to do it.

"Shine" also plays a role in making the necessary information apparent in an organized manner for these situations. We feel that this is becoming increasingly important in the "Pursuit of 0 Accidents". By doing so, we can create an environment in which every worker onsite can carry out tasks calmly and steadily without being rushed, with an "appropriate degree of intensity."

We would like to share our experiences, thoughts, and ideas with you by regularly publishing blog posts.

Please join our never-ending journey of "Perfecting Imperfections" with innovations for manufacturing sites all around the world. 

Thank you for your continued support!!! ;-)